»姓名:孟庆峰 | »系属: 资源系 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称: 教授 | |
»专业:地质资源与地质工程 | »导师类别:博导 | |
»电子邮箱:meng.qingfeng@upc.edu.cn | ||
»联系电话: | ||
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
»概况利用新技术、多方法、学科交叉,解决深层、海洋、非常规油气藏勘探开发中的理论及应用问题 | ||
◎研究方向 (1)深层油气输导体系、超压机制、运移机制 (2)盖层、致密储层天然裂缝描述、形成机制 (3)高温高压岩石变形、压力-应力耦合机制 ◎教育经历 2012-2017 博士,牛津大学 2009-2012 硕士,北京大学 2005-2009 本科,中国石油大学(北京) ◎工作经历 2020.12- 中国石油大学(华东),教授 2020 哥廷根大学(德),研究员职位 2017-2019 曼彻斯特大学(英),博士后 ◎学术兼职 《Journal of Petroleum Geology》编委 《石油学报》青年编委 ◎主讲课程 《石油地质学》、《石油地质勘探概论》、《专业英语》 ◎指导研究生及博士后 长期招聘地震-测井人工智能地质解释、高温高压岩石力学、包裹体定量分析、水力压裂数值模拟等方向博士后,支持申报“博新岗位” 每年招收博士生1-2名,硕士生3名左右,请提前邮件联系 ◎承担项目 南海深水深层油气成藏机理与富集规律,崂山实验室“十四五”重大项目课题,负责人 陆相页岩天然裂缝定量表征及对可压裂性的影响,山东省创新团队及人才计划类项目,负责人 国家人才类支持计划项目,负责人 莺歌海盆地中深层大型天然气田成藏机理及成藏规律,中海油重大科技项目课题,负责人 济阳坳陷页岩油储层四性研究,山东省重点研发计划,参与 ◎荣誉称号 国家级青年人才 山东省泰山学者青年专家 ◎论文 完整论文列表详见:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6054-6203 Meng, Q., Yang, B., Guo, Z., Hao, F., 2025. Hydraulic fracture networks bypassing thick sealing sequences as fluid conduits in deep overpressured strata. AAPG Bulletin, 109(1): 85-98. Meng, Q., Hao, F., 2024. Penecontemporaneous polygonal faulting triggered by sand overloading onto unconsolidated clays: evidence from the northern South China Sea. Basin Research, 36(1): e12853. Meng, Q., Hao, F., 2023. Control of grain size of brittle minerals on fracture development in shale under compression: insights from numerical experiments. AAPG Bulletin, 107(11): 1971-1985. Meng, Q., Hao, F., 2023. Overburden deformation induced by active diapirism: discrete element numerical simulations. Basin Research, 35(2): 692-704. Meng, Q., Hao, F., Tian, J., 2021. Origins of non-tectonic fractures in shale. Earth-Science Reviews 222: 103825. Meng, Q., Hodgetts, D. 2020. Mechanical control on patterns of overburden deformation induced by dyke-fed sandstone intrusions: insights from numerical experiments. Tectonophysics 777: 228351. Meng. Q., Hodgetts, D. 2019. Combined control of décollement layer thickness and cover rock cohesion on structural styles and evolution of fold belts: a discrete element modelling study. Tectonophysics 757: 58-67. Meng, Q., Hodgetts, D. 2019. Structural styles and decoupling in stratigraphic sequences with double décollements during thin-skinned contractional tectonics: insights from numerical modelling. Journal of Structural Geology 127: 103862. Meng, Q., Hooker, J., Cartwright, J. 2019. Progressive accretion of antitaxial crystal fibres: implications for the kinematics and dynamics of vein dilation. Journal of Structural Geology 126:25-36. Meng, Q., Hooker, J., Cartwright, J. 2018. Displacive widening of calcite veins in shale: insights into the force of crystallization. Journal of Sedimentary Research 88: 327-343. Meng, Q., Hooker, J., Cartwright, J. 2017. Genesis of natural hydraulic fractures as an indicator of basin inversion. Journal of Structural Geology 102: 1-20. Meng, Q., Hooker, J., Cartwright, J. 2017. Early overpressuring in organic-rich shales during burial: evidence from fibrous calcite veins in the Lower Jurassic Shales-with-Beef Member in the Wessex Basin, UK. Journal of the Geological Society 174: 869-882. |